You should know something: I’m a failure.

That’s me. Michelle. Newbie homesteader. Seasoned homeschooler. Writer. Wife to my high school sweetheart. And a failure. But I seem to learn a lot while I’m failing, so I write about it here.

Aaaaaahhhhh! Turns out I’m a failure at website conversion too!! I just realized this OLD SITE is still getting traffic… I thought I had sent it all to my NEW site! So if you’re reading this page STOP! Go no further! Everything you’ll find here and sooooo much more–year’s worth of more–is better organized and readable over on… Seriously, click here now.

Wait. What are you still doing here?

Seriously. Hop over here. You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

Strawberry Happiness
Feel free to pull up a chair under an interesting topic, like homesteading, homeschooling, or nature study. Or search on your own, through my many years’ worth of ramblings thoughtful contemplations about many topics near and dear to my heart.


Whether you catch up on a few caring-for-chicken tidbits, enjoy musings about a centurys’ old farmhouse, or glean a little homeschooling insight from this momma who’s been failing at the effort for almost 2 decades, I hope my focus helps you Keep it Simple while being Souly Rested on Christ.

Why so much talk about nature study?

While I enjoy writing about all kinds of homesteading and parenting topics, when it comes right down to it, I’m a language-arts-kinda girl who loves nature. So I often mention nature study in my writing. Over the years, I’ve discovered a simple way to enjoy learning about nature as a family–even though, I’m not gonna lie, “science” intimidates me. So I’m putting together a complete nature study resource for even the least science-oriented parent (or grandparent) ever. Really. If you homeschool, you’ll want a copy. If you don’t homeschool, but you’re a parent who wants to encourage their child to notice a few details outside every now and then, you’ll want a copy. If you’re a fun grandparent who likes learning about a cool creepy crawly every once in a while with an intrigued grandchild, you’ll want a copy. It’ll be heading to the presses soon, and also available as an e-book. I’ll keep you posted.

Screen Shot 2016-06-02 at 8.09.46 AMIn the mean time, this site is chocked full of free resources to get you started. Just click “Follow This Blog” in the right-hand column on any post, and you won’t miss one free resource. Plus, You can snag a FREE 7-page, chock-full-of-information printable that will get you started on an unbelievably easy, unlimitedly rewarding journey of nature study with a child  just by clicking “Follow This Blog” in the right-hand column on any post. The free printable even includes an ID page for studying mammals.


So, welcome to my New England homestead, where the floorboards creak, the barn roof sags, the lights and water are not always guaranteed to work, the land is rocky and unforgiving, and yet it is perfect. Because it is where God has placed my family. And I’d love to have you join me on this part of the journey.

Some favorite posts you’re sure to enjoy–>

training-your-dog-to-be-chicken-friendly  10-fowl-facts-2  12-things-to-do-with-fall-leaves  fall-photo-tips  rooster-mistake  when parents feel like failures  thankful tree


Keeping it Simple  -- Homesteading and Homeschooling in Rural New England -- Being "Souly Rested" in Christ


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