
It’s worse than that first essay of the new school year. You know? The one about what you did that summer? How does one savor 10 weeks of sun-kissed fruits, dog-eared books, and delighted toes that are dug deep in cool grass and then successfully sum it up in 200 words?

How does one stare at a harshly white screen and sum up herself? Impossible, so I’ll just meagerly work at filling the screen. That I can do. I do love words.

I’m a wife to my high school sweetheart and mom to four girls who make sure there is never a dull moment in my days.


I’m a writer, big fan of Toblerone, freelance editor, professional storyteller, dog lover, and robotics coach who doesn’t know how to program.

I’m a wanna-be photographer, a wanna-be botanist,


and a wanna-be entomologist.


I’m big fan of history, and I’m a newly blooming gardener (inspired by a daughter).


I’m also a newly-relocated New Englander. The latter is enabling me to tinker with the plants, bugs, history, and gardening, because my New England home is one that was built in 1800 and situated by a mountain lake that bubbles into a sun-kissed river that flows along our 14 wooded acres. The floorboards creak,


the barn roof sags, the lights and water are not always guaranteed to work (at least the way we want them to), the land is rocky and filled with work to be done, and the nearest thriving town is an 18-mile backroad trek. But it is the home God has drawn our family to, and we could not be more satisfied in Him than here, where He has placed us for this season of our lives. So welcome.


One of many verses that I recently took to heart, long before I fully knew the meaning the words would imprint on my heart, sums up my recent days: “Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16) Thus, the title of my blog. I am working on being “Souly Rested.” But I am well aware of the impossibility of that if I am not also solely relying on Christ.

I’m also a homeschool mom of 4 successfully thriving daughters who love the Lord. Please reread that. Please notice I did NOT say I am a successful homeschool mom. I fail at the impossible, joy-filled roller coaster ride of homeschooling miserably, in some way, every year… every subject… every day. For 15 years now. But in spite of my limitations and incapabilities, God has blessed my meager efforts. My daughters are successful, and they love the Lord through the everyday way they live their lives. (There are other, separate pages to be written about the definition of success. For now, it’s enough to explain my definition of homeschool success as this: instilling a life-long love of learning.) And thanks to my fine example of insufficiency, they know they can live a prosperous life and honor Him and give Him glory even in the midst of, sometimes because of, their own limitations and incapabilities.


So if you have any interest in the life of a rural New England mom who is still learning how to be a good wife to her high school sweetheart; dabble in photography, gardening, and hearth-fire cooking; renovate an old home while learning its stories and maintaining its charm; homeschool; indulge in toblerone without excess; simplify her life; and write without rambling, then you just may like to join me on my journey. I hope you do.

(Please feel free to share links to this blog, but please do not share the written or photographic content without my written consent. Thank you!)

4 thoughts on “About

    • Laura, I’m so glad you found me too! But I’m still learning so much every day about the homestead journey, which is a brand-new one for me, and about the parenting roller coaster, which is a crazy fun ride I’ve been on for almost 20 years, and the hardest yet most rewarding trek I’ve ever undertaken–homeschooling for 15 years now… so I just write as I learn. 🙂 Please help ME learn by interacting with my posts (here and on Facebook). I’m sure you have a lot you can show ME. Glad you’re here!


  1. I love your musings!! So glad to meet you via your blog!! I subscribed to your list and look forward to reading more about your journey! I am a new blogger due to the nudging of my husband. If you would like to meet my family, see http://www.nurturingmynest.com Looking forward to more of your stories!!



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